Monday, December 29, 2008

Holiday tag

Well, I'm lucky I found this even while it's still December, that's how seldom I post to my blog or catch up on those I follow! Here are my answers to a holiday meme from Netter... but I don't think I'll tag anyone else, because I only have links to about 5 blogs total and those folks have probably already been tagged!

Tag - You're It!

Post this on your blog, answer and then tag 5 other people.....ready....GO!

1) Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, mostly, unless it's a gift that is a weird size or shape and I don't have a box in which it fits. (Or if I'm in a big hurry! LOL)

2) Real tree or artificial? Artificial. Pre-lit. If I could take it down fully decorated and put it back up the same way next year I would. I'm not big on decorating the tree.

3) When do you put up the tree? After Thanksgiving, as soon as I get the energy to tackle it. Some Christmas carols and a stiff drink help! This year I let Natalie help and I didn't even "fix" the ornament placement she chose (she is three, so picture that!)
4) When do you take the tree down? After Christmas, as soon as I get the energy to tackle it. Does that sound familiar?

5) Do you like eggnog? No. Ick.

6) Favorite gift received as a child? Wow. I'm not sure I could pinpoint that. A doll that was life-sized and walked was a favorite, but she broke quite soon after Christmas. A Spirograph? An oversized Barbie doll head with makeup and hair accessories?

7) Hardest person to buy for? My brother-in-law.

8) Easiest person to buy for? Natalie. (Again, she's three. How easy is that?)

9) Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, it was my mom's. I love having it!

10) Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Believe it or not, I can't recall any really bad ones. Maybe some bath product in a scent that made me sneeze...

11) Favorite Christmas Movie? I prefer the short specials - love Charlie Brown!!

12) Favorite Christmas song? The Christmas song! (Chestnusts roasting...)

13) Travel at Christmas or stay home? We travel back to our hometown of Medina, in northeast Ohio.

14) Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Oh, sure.

15) Favorite ornament theme or color? don't have one